October 22


once upon a time there was a ghost at a abandoned school and there was a house across from the school.In the house were 3 children and parents.That night before sunrise one of the children went missing.The parents called the police and they searched the property.The next day the 2 kids and their friends Marlee,Taylor,Ally searched the abandon school.They did not find him,that night they had a sleep over. They played truth or dare. Marlee did Taylor.Taylor said dare Marlee dared Taylor to take all of her friends and spend the night at the abandon school.So they got their stuff and went over to the abandon school.They saw a ghost and Marlee screamed and hid from the ghost with her friends. Then they came out and looked around and found the boy that went missing. They got a bat and killed the ghost.

October 8


I was in the homecoming parade but I did not get to go to the homecoming game because my dad went hunting and he took the truck. I was in the parade with Brown sport sinter  we did cart wheels,round offs, back handsprings,handstands,and front walkovers. We also through candy and the candy that was left we got to take some home with us.