November 14

Colonial Fur Trader

Today I sold 50 pounds of fur to some indians that live near the village at the trading post. Most of it was deer skin.Some of it was beaver fur.I traded some fur for money,iron ,and cloth and a little corn.I did not get much corn but I got a lot of iron.I had about 11 deer skin and 20 beaver skins.Each skin was sold for about 1.00.Tomorrow I will probably sell about the same  amount.Also get more corn because today I did not get a lot today.I will also get some more cloth.I will probably go to a different trading post and see where I trade the most stuff.

November 7

Colonial Leaders

Who is  Pocahontas?

was the favorite daughter of Powhatan

the powerful leader of the indian tribes of the coastal area

brave,fearless,and strong

was primarily linked to the English colonist

named changed to Rebecca in England

was a famous Native American

was kidnapped by the English people

had serel names as a child

 learned how to build log houses

saved John smith

That is pocahontas.